great good cool all my five are belong to this! the bullets just won my heart alone they were sweeeet and that boss is hard..O.o
great good cool all my five are belong to this! the bullets just won my heart alone they were sweeeet and that boss is hard..O.o
hey question on is there more orange fish i cant find any my size i played this before on xgen and there were good ammounts.... oh well great game i wuv it
this game is good i dont think it needs improvement but for the sequel you should put more levels anddont go overboard with points i mean 10000 for teh last lv O.o well good job
wow nice
nice dude i like your music and this game looks great i just did the tut and its very interisting but i cant figure out what 1 im sucha newb but i love these type of brain games!
how the crap...
how did they game not get blammed my retard quiz was soo much better....... like all it is is lines and backround..>.< beacuse nothing dose anything except goin over the smiley OnRollover gotoandplay frame 3...... there thats liek the whole code of the game i say the hardst part is makeing the mouse a dot lol
actually, it was on (rollOver) nextFrame();
i have to give this a failing grade
as said up there^ yes well YOU CANT SHOOT AND THERE IS NO LVS so 0/10 0/5
pros good graphix
cons cant shoot
cant go to next lv
boreing as hell
and as pols said its another knock off astroids
its a ok game for a drag and drop but make a rotate thing and maze it able to make parts smaller and bigger
its ok and itsa bit hard and sort of like boom stick
great but..
Great game i love it please make a 2nd but make it on hard you could have a bib more rockets i can never beat it.. gay lag lol
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Joined on 4/17/08